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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller > Expanded Serial Peripheral Interface (xSPI) Slave Controller

Expanded Serial Peripheral Interface (xSPI) Slave Controller

From Plurko Technologies


Our Expanded Serial Peripheral Interface (JESD251) Slave controller offers high data throughput, low signal count,
and limited backward compatibility with legacy Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) devices. It is used to connect xSPI
Master devices in computing, automotive, Internet of Things, embedded systems, and mobile system processors to
non-volatile memories, graphics peripherals, networking peripherals, FPGAs, and sensor devices.


• Compliant with JEDEC standard JESD251 expanded Serial Peripheral Interface (xSPI) for Non-Volatile Memory Devices, Version 1.0.
• Supports Single Data Rate (SDR) and Double Data Rate (DDR).
• Supports source synchronous clocking.
• Supports data transfer rates up to: o 400MT/s (200MHz Clock) o 333MT/s (167MHz Clock) o 266MT/s (133MHz Clock) o 200MT/s (100MHz Clock)
• Supports Deep Power Down (DPD) enter and exit commands.
• Standard support for eight IO ports, with the possibility to increase IO ports based on system performance requirements.
• Optional support for Data Strobe (DS) for timing reference.
• Supports 1-bit wide SDR transfer.
• Supports Profile 1.0 commands to manage nonvolatile memory devices.
• Supports Profile 2.0 commands for reading or writing data for any type of slave device. • Compatible with non-volatile memory arrays such as NOR Flash, NAND Flash, FRAM, and nvSRAM.
• Compatible with volatile memory arrays such as SRAM, PSRAM, and DRAM.
• Supports register-mapped input/output functions.
• Supports programmable function devices such as FPGAs.


• Consumer Electronics.
• Defence & Aerospace.
• Virtual Reality.
• Augmented Reality.
• Medical.
• Biometrics (Fingerprints, etc).
• Automotive Devices.
• Sensor Devices. Deliverables
• Verilog Source code.
• User Guide.
• IP Integration Guide.
• Run and Synthesis script.
• Encrypted Verification Testbench Environment.
• Basic Test-suite.

Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability US, Canada, UK & EU Only
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