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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller > EXOSTIV IP


From Exostiv Labs


The EXOSTIV IP is a customizable logic analyzer core for FPGA designs, noteworthy for its minimal on-chip resource consumption while providing extensive internal signal monitoring. It leverages FPGA transceivers to establish high-bandwidth links to external storage, freeing up crucial FPGA on-chip memory. The IP core supports significant customization with multiplexing and boolean trigger configurations, which are essential for extensive data analysis during FPGA operation. As a synchronous tool, it adheres to existing design clock constraints and allows seamless integration at both RTL and netlist levels via the EXOSTIV Dashboard software. With advanced features such as configurable capture units and data groups, the EXOSTIV IP core delivers precise monitoring tailored to project-specific needs.

  • Configurable upstream link
  • Run-time IP configuration
  • Cross-capture trigger lines
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • FPGA signal monitoring
  • Design constraint application
  • Extensive FPGA debugging
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