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Exostiv Blade

From Exostiv Labs


The Exostiv Blade is designed for deep multi-FPGA data capture, operating at impressive speeds remotely. Its profound capabilities make it a robust solution for pre-silicon SoC validation and multi-FPGA debugging. The system supports up to 800 MHz sampling, and with its scalable resources, it can capture data from millions of nodes across several FPGAs. Exostiv Blade integrates seamlessly with any FPGA prototyping system, allowing convenient remote access and enhanced storage capabilities. Its flexible architecture includes various chassis options and supports up to ten capture boards, ensuring users can tailor the setup to suit specific debugging needs. With high bandwidth QSFP28 connectors, the system facilitates massive data throughput, enabling unparalleled trace depth and precision in testing. Additionally, Exostiv Blade offers distinctive IP types, such as Standard IP for dynamic data capture and Extended Width IP for broader node reach within FPGA environments.

  • AMD FPGA support
  • Simultaneous capture from multiple FPGAs
  • Remote control client application
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Pre-silicon SoC validation
  • Multi-FPGA system testing
  • Regression testing for IP revision
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