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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller > Exostiv


From Exostiv Labs


Exostiv provides an extraordinary test, verification, and debugging tool for FPGA designs, offering gigabyte-level visibility at full operational speeds. It deploys FPGA resources efficiently to capture extensive internal node data without storing it all internally, significantly slashing development times. Exostiv's ability to dynamically control and select data sets for deeper analytics makes it a pivotal tool in preventing costly production flaws. The system is compatible with any prototyping board, utilizing Multi-Gigabit Transceivers to funnel data to external storage, granting extensive operational node access. Complementing traditional embedded instruments, Exostiv provides dashboards to manage and analyze data, employing the MYRIAD viewer for terpabyte-scale waveform handling, revolutionizing FPGA debugging sessions.

  • MGTs for data flow
  • Dynamic ON/OFF data controls
  • Extensive node reach
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • FPGA test and debug
  • FPGA design verification
  • FPGA operational analysis
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