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Ethernet UMAC IP

From CoMira Solutions


This Ethernet IP from CoMira is a multi-speed, multi-channel universal media access control (UMAC) product that offers unparalleled flexibility. Its architecture is designed for 'any rate on any channel' operation, ranging from 1G to 800G. Leveraging a unique time-sliced design, it enhances port density while ensuring minimal latency, making it ideal for high-performance data center applications. The IP is compliant with various standards including IEEE 802.3 and Flex-E, and allows customization with non-standard protocols and application-driven modes of operation, enabling clients to fine-tune configurations to their specific needs.

  • Programmable application-side FIFO sizes
  • Packing and unpacking logic
  • Line rate support with minimum IFG
  • IP core clock independent of line rate
  • SerDes support with parallel interfaces
  • Virtual Lane Mapping
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Modulation/Demodulation
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-performance data centers
  • Network infrastructure
  • Semiconductor applications
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