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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > ETHERNET 10G MAC IP


From Logic Design Solutions


The Ethernet 10G MAC IP is tailored for high-speed data networking, supporting extensive communication tasks across various platforms. It is built to adhere to the highest standards of performance for Ethernet communications, facilitating rapid and reliable data exchanges with minimal latency.

Designed for integration with platforms like Kintex UltraScale, Virtex 7, and PolarFire, this IP offers exceptional throughput, enhancing the capabilities of networks requiring fast data flow and high reliability. Its architecture ensures robust data management, providing error correction and redundancy features to support continuous operation.

The product is especially beneficial in scenarios demanding heavy data traffic, such as data centers and enterprise environments, where uptime and data integrity are crucial. Its efficient data handling and minimal overhead make it a leading choice for advanced networking requirements.

  • High-speed networking
  • Error correction and redundancy
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data centers
  • Enterprise environments
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