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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > Ethernet 10/100 MAC

Ethernet 10/100 MAC

From MosChip Technologies Limited


The Ethernet 10/100 MAC provided by MosChip adheres to the IEEE802.3 standard, offering seamless connectivity between the host subsystem and the Media Independent Interface (MII). Designed to enhance CPU efficiency, this module includes DMA functionalities that automate data transfers, ensuring that the CPU can focus on more critical tasks. Moreover, it incorporates a Transaction Layer Interface (TLI), which bridges the DMA controller with a 10/100 Ethernet controller using buffers that optimize data throughput.

Engineered for robust performance, this MAC system integrates multiple DMA and TLI components to proficiently handle data packets. The comprehensive design effectively manages both transmission and reception processes, leveraging FIFO buffers to streamline these functions further. By enhancing network communication significantly, this controller is ideal for systems requiring reliable data transfer over Ethernet networks.

The flexible architecture supports varying data transfer environments, adapting to different operational needs with ease. With its advanced error-handling capabilities and compliance with established standards, this IP is essential for enhancing network functionalities and ensuring seamless integration in various computing environments.

  • DMA Integration
  • TLI Bridge
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Networking
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