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eSPI Master/Slave Controller

From Digital Blocks


The eSPI Master/Slave Controller, designated as DB-eSPI-SPI-MS-APB, is fully compliant with the Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (eSPI) specification, accommodating both eSPI and traditional SPI operations. This versatile controller can function either as an eSPI Master or Slave, or as a SPI Master or Slave. With support for AMBA interconnects like AXI and AHB, it is well-suited for various peripheral interactions within complex embedded systems. The controller provides a robust solution for managing serial communication, delivering efficiency and reliability across diverse application domains.

  • eSPI Master/Slave Functionality
  • SPI Master/Slave Functionality
  • AMBA Interconnect Support
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > I2C
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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