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eSi-Floating Point

From eSi-RISC


The eSi-Floating Point IP family offers high-precision arithmetic operations in half, single, and double-precision formats, adhering to the IEEE 754-2008 standards. Ideal for applications demanding rigorous numerical accuracy, instances of manipulation include addition, multiplication, division, and an array of other complex operations crucial in scientific computing and data analysis.

Noteworthy is the core's pipelined nature which ensures high throughput, producing a computation result every clock cycle. This feature allows variations in pipeline stages, granting flexibility to trade latency for operating frequency based on design priorities. The core's ability to handle denormalized numbers, infinities, NaNs, and preset rounding options equip it fittingly for versatile computing requirements.

eSi-Floating Point cores are technology agnostic, delivered in Verilog HDL, and are DFT ready, applicable across ASIC and FPGA environments. Extensive support for status flags for typical arithmetic exceptions amplifies operability in complex applications, thereby establishing reliability for critical computing tasks, encapsulating efficiency in a scalable IP solution.

  • IEEE 754-2008 standard compliance
  • Configurable pipeline stages
  • Technology independent design
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Vision Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Scientific computing
  • Data-intensive applications
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