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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > eSi-Crypto


From EnSilica


The eSi-Crypto suite offers a comprehensive range of security IP solutions optimized for both ASIC and FPGA systems. These IP cores facilitate high-speed cryptographic operations with low resource consumption, featuring tools such as a True Random Number Generator compliant with NIST 800-22 standards, and a variety of algorithms including AES, ECC/ECDSA, RSA, and SHA for robust encryption and authentication. Moreover, eSi-Crypto supports multiple bus interfaces for seamless integration, making it suitable for network security, financial transactions, and secure communications across different platforms.

  • True Random Number Generator
  • NIST compliance
  • Low resource usage
  • High throughput
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Network security
  • Financial transactions
  • Secure communications
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