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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller > eSi-Connect


From eSi-RISC


The eSi-Connect suite comprises a broad array of processor peripherals, each equipped with AMBA AXI, AHB, or APB interfaces. This collection simplifies system-on-chip (SoC) integration, enhancing the connectivity and functionality of embedded systems. It includes versatile memory controllers, ranging from SMI to DDR and SPI Flash, facilitating seamless communication with external memory elements, enhancing system flexibility and scalability.

The eSi-Connect IP blocks offer complete support for standard interfaces like USB, I2C, SPI, and UART, ensuring broad compatibility and ease of integration with existing hardware components. Control functions like timers, real-time clocks, GPIO, and watchdogs supplement peripheral management, making it a comprehensive peripheral suite. These peripherals are pliable in design, allowing custom configurations and are accompanied by low-level software drivers suited for real-time embedded systems.

Whether implementing asynchronous communication through eSi-UART or managing dual data streams with eSi-SG-DMA, the peripherals in eSi-Connect merge flexibility with performance. The inclusion of additional features like programmable FIFO sizes, configurable interrupt systems, and integration with industry-standard interfaces, render this suite indispensable for developers focusing on achieving efficient, real-time operations in diverse applications.

  • AMBA compliant interfaces
  • Versatile memory controller support
  • Comprehensive peripheral interfaces
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • SoC connectivity and integration
  • Real-time system deployments
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