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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > eSi-Comms


From EnSilica


The eSi-Comms IP suite is specialized for communications ASIC designs, offering a versatile range of parameterisable blocks for standard and custom air interface protocols like Wi-Fi, LTE, and DAB. Its highly adaptive nature supports various communication standards, ensuring robust data management through features like time and phase synchronization, maximum likelihood equalization, and advanced error correction. This suite is essential for creating efficient wireless and broadcast systems and excels in applications from wireless sensors to intelligent IoT networks, delivering superior performance with reduced design risks.

  • Parameterisable
  • Advanced DSP algorithms
  • Interface support
  • Error correction
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Wireless sensors
  • IoT networks
  • Broadcast systems
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