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All IPs > Automotive > CAN > eSi-ADAS


From EnSilica


The eSi-ADAS suite is engineered for radar processing in advanced driver assistance systems, drones, and UAVs, enhancing situational awareness through radar co-processor engines that manage complex radar system operations. It includes advanced functionalities like Fast Fourier Transforms, Kalman Filtering, and Constant False Alarm Rate detection, which improve object tracking and processing speeds while minimizing computational load on main systems. Its silicon-proven design ensures compliance with automotive standards, offering reliable performance in real-world applications where speed, accuracy, and efficiency are paramount.

  • Radar co-processor
  • Real-time object tracking
  • Low power consumption
  • ISO-26262 certification
Tech Specs
Category Automotive > CAN
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Advanced driver assistance systems
  • Drones
  • UAVs
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