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All IPs > Processor > Processor Cores > eSi-3264


From eSi-RISC


The eSi-3264 is an advanced 32/64-bit RISC CPU designed for high-performance applications needing DSP (Digital Signal Processing) capabilities, making it ideal for areas like audio processing, motion control, and sensor data analysis. Its architecture incorporates SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) extensions, allowing for efficient data processing with minimal silicon real estate, ensuring a balance between performance and power consumption.

This processor features a comprehensive instruction set supporting dual and quad SIMD operations along with precision IEEE 754 floating-point instructions. Additional adaptations include bit manipulation and complex arithmetic operations, enhancing the processor's capability to handle demanding computational workloads effectively. A pipelined MAC unit and configurable data and instruction caches bolster processing speeds, maintaining optimal power efficiency.

Augmented with extensive debugging options, including trace and performance counters, the eSi-3264 is versatile for various implementations, from rapid prototyping to deployment in robust industrial environments. It supports both user-defined instructions and comprehensive peripheral integration using standard AMBA buses, enabling seamless enhancements and extensions tailored to specific application requirements.

  • 32/64-bit RISC architecture
  • SIMD DSP extensions
  • Configurable instruction and data caches
  • Dual/quad MAC unit
  • Floating Point Unit support
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 65nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • DSP functionality with minimal silicon area
  • Audio and sensor data processing
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