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All IPs > Processor > Processor Cores > eSi-3250


From eSi-RISC


Offering a high-performance processing solution, the eSi-3250 is a 32-bit RISC IP core suitable for ASIC or FPGA systems requiring on-chip caching due to slower eFlash memories or off-chip access. This core is engineered to support an impressive set of functionalities, making it a standout option for applications needing robust processing coupled with efficient data handling capabilities.

The inclusion of separate configurable instruction and data caches enhances the core’s capability to manage complex instructions and data storage efficiently, thus augmenting overall performance. With a robust instruction set that supports IEEE 754 compliant floating-point instructions and full 64-bit arithmetic operations, the eSi-3250 is suitable for advanced computational demands. Its design incorporates a 5-stage pipeline for high-frequency operations, underpinned by significant power efficiency, ensuring minimal energy consumption.

Accommodating both user and supervisor operating modes, the processor provides a secure environment for multitasking operations. Multiple debug options, comprehensive user-defined instruction support, and integration with various peripheral interfaces render the eSi-3250 a versatile and high-functioning core, ideal for challenging computational environments that prioritize processing speed and power efficiency.

  • 32-bit RISC architecture
  • Separate instruction/data caches
  • Five-stage pipeline
  • Floating point Unit support
  • User and supervisor modes
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 65nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • ASIC and FPGA designs with slow on-chip memories
  • High performance systems
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