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All IPs > Processor > Processor Cores > eSi-3200


From eSi-RISC


The eSi-3200 is a versatile 32-bit RISC processor core optimized for low-cost and low-power applications. Without internal caching, this core is well-suited for embedded control tasks where deterministic performance is essential, making it ideal for situations demanding reliable, real-time control. Its architecture utilizes a modified-Harvard approach for dual instruction and data fetching, ensuring rapid data processing and minimal interruptions.

The processor offers an extensive instruction set with the capability to incorporate user-specific commands, broadening its functionality to suit targeted applications. It includes options for a floating-point unit that adheres to IEEE 754 standards, further enriching its computational capabilities with instructions for single-precision floating points and 64-bit arithmetic operations. Its robust design allows for fast instruction processing through a 5-stage pipeline, maintaining exceptional performance with a 4.12 CoreMark per MHz efficiency.

Beyond its architectural advantages, the eSi-3200 facilitates energy efficiency by maximizing code density through its smart instruction encoding in both 16 and 32 bits. It supports comprehensive operating modes with a focus on both user and supervisor protection to safeguard system integrity during operation. With a suite of debugging tools and supports for various AMBA peripherals, the eSi-3200 stands out as a reliable choice for developers needing a high-performing, energy-efficient processor core.

  • 32-bit RISC architecture
  • IEEE 754 Floating Point support
  • Five-stage pipeline
  • Modified-Harvard architecture
  • AMBA AXI interconnect
  • Deterministic performance
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 65nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Embedded control applications
  • ASIC designs with on-chip memory
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