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All IPs > Processor > Processor Cores > eSi-1650


From eSi-RISC


The eSi-1650 is a compact, low-power 16-bit RISC CPU core integrating an instruction cache which enhances its performance and area efficiency, particularly for mature electronic nodes employing OTP or Flash for program memory. Designed for energy-efficient execution, it minimizes power consumption by circumventing the need for extensive shadow RAMs while facilitating prolonged high-frequency CPU operation. This makes it exceptionally well-suited for applications where an 8-bit CPU might typically suffice but necessitates an upgrade due to its limitations.

Configuration options abound with the eSi-1650, which supports 16 or 32 general-purpose registers, and offers 92 basic instructions alongside 74 user-defined ones. Its architectural attributes include a customizable instruction cache (ranging from 1-64kB and varied ways of associativity), enabling optimal performance across various process nodes. The 5-stage pipeline ensures efficient instruction processing, while maintaining fast interrupt response times crucial in responsive system applications.

Delivering a convenient migration path, whether for increased cache requirements or shifting to higher bit architectures, the eSi-1650 is designed to support efficient software development through a license-free toolchain. Debugging tools, like hardware breakpoints and performance counters, complement the support for multi-process settings, offering a professional and streamlined debugging experience. Ready for deployment, the core integrates seamlessly with AMBA peripheral components, bolstering its capability to meet a wide range of application requirements while maintaining a cost-effective profile.

  • 16-bit RISC architecture
  • Instruction Cache
  • Five-stage pipeline
  • User-defined instructions
  • Memory Protection Unit (optional)
  • AMBA AHB and APB peripheral bus
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 180nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Low-power applications
  • Embedded control systems
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