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All IPs > Processor > Processor Cores > eSi-1600


From eSi-RISC


The eSi-1600 is an economical and energy-efficient 16-bit RISC processor core, well-suited for integration into ASIC and FPGA designs. It provides an effective performance-level akin to that of more costly 32-bit CPUs but offers a system cost similar to that of simpler 8-bit CPUs. Its architecture focuses on control applications within mature mixed-signal processes with under 64KB of memory. This core is specifically designed for scenarios where reduced power consumption is vital, facilitating an energy-efficient operation since fewer clock cycles are needed to run applications as compared to 8-bit CPUs.

The eSi-1600 architecture comprises 16 or 32 general-purpose registers, 92 basic instructions, and 10 diverse addressing modes, allowing up to 74 user-defined instructions to be incorporated for custom application needs. Its unique architectural design with a 5-stage pipeline supports rapid instruction processing, while an optional memory protection unit and AMBA AHB buses provide robust system integration. Debug options such as JTAG or serial debug, optional trace, and performance counters grant developers the tools needed for efficient debugging and system analysis.

Optimized for DFT and silicon-proven, the eSi-1600 is delivered as a Verilog RTL IP core, facilitating adaptability to a customer-specific design. Its design allows for seamless integration with AMBA peripherals like UART, SPI, and I2C among others, ensuring compatibility with third-party IPs. Intended for low-power applications, it supports intricate data manipulations and fast low-power state transitions, making it ideal for scenarios necessitating elevated energy efficiency as well as enhanced code density.

  • 16-bit RISC architecture
  • Dual instruction widths
  • User-defined instructions support
  • Five-stage pipeline
  • AMBA AHB buses
  • JTAG/serial debug capability
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 180nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mature mixed-signal processes
  • Control applications
  • Low-power systems
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