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Error Correction IP

From CoMira Solutions


CoMira Solutions' Error Correction IP is geared towards solving challenges associated with high-speed data transmission over lengthy physical media, which typically introduces errors due to signal loss. The IP harnesses forward error correction (FEC) techniques, including the Reed-Solomon algorithm, to enhance data recovery. At high line rates, such methods are crucial for backplane and copper links, starting from 10G. This suite of FEC IP can be integrated as a configurable part of CoMira's UMAC IP or used independently, providing a versatile solution for improving data transmission accuracy across a range of applications.

  • Reed Solomon codecs
  • 802.3bj compatibility
  • Gain to 1e-12 efficiency
  • Error indication and correction bypass
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Error Correction/Detection
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Backplane communication
  • Ethernet transmission systems
  • Data recovery solutions
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