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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY > ePHY-5616


From eTopus Technology Inc.


The ePHY-5616 is part of the ePHY product family known for its scalable and robust architecture. Designed to support data rates ranging from 1Gbps to 56Gbps, this IP block is implemented with advanced DSP techniques to handle a wide spectrum of insertion losses. It is designed specifically for network applications, including routers, switches, and enterprise equipment like network interface cards and backplane systems. With superior bit error rates and robust performance even under varying conditions of voltage, PVT (process, voltage, temperature), and frequency, it exemplifies reliability for data-intensive tasks.

The architecture of the ePHY-5616 facilitates direct optical drive capabilities, making it highly adaptable for use with direct attached cables. Additionally, its DSP-based receiver architecture enhances its scalability across various enterprise applications, offering a comprehensive set of APIs through its SDK to simplify the implementation and optimize application deployment. This technical innovation underpins its relevance in modern data center environments, where efficiency and low latency are paramount.

Furthermore, the ePHY-5616 is designed for flexibility and customization, offering features such as wide-ranging TX FIR taps for transmit de-emphasis and extensive diagnostic tools for performance tuning and system bring-up. These characteristics, combined with its mix of high data rates and low latency, make it a preferred solution for applications demanding high-throughput and minimal delay, such as AI-driven storage systems.

  • 1-56Gbps PAM-4 data rates
  • 10dB to 35dB insertion loss
  • DSP-based receiver architecture
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Enterprise equipment
  • Network interface cards
  • Routers/Switches
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