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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY > ePHY-5607


From eTopus Technology Inc.


The ePHY-5607 extends the impressive capabilities of the ePHY series, optimized specifically for power, performance, and area (PPA) efficiency at 7nm technology nodes. Targeting data rates from 1Gbps to 56Gbps, this IP is ideal for data centers where high-speed connectivity with conservation of power is crucial. It supports applications such as servers, AI systems, and smart NICs, aligning with demands for low latency and high bandwidth.

Featuring a multi-reference clock, this product offers enhanced clock recovery functionality, ensuring superior BER (Bit Error Rate) and fast temperature tracking across its operational scope. Its architecture enables the deployment of sophisticated feature sets, making it extremely versatile for a range of data communication needs. The DSP-powered framework helps optimize insertion losses while maintaining robust CDR performance, crucial for maintaining high-speed data integrity over extended periods.

The ePHY-5607 is further distinguished by its Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) variant, tailored specifically to achieve minimal latency in data transactions—a critical factor in optimizing data center operations and networking. The enhanced configurability offered through its APIs simplifies the intricate processes of SerDes bring-up and application tuning, offering an unmatched user experience for developers and engineers looking to implement next-generation IP solutions in cutting-edge applications.

  • 1-56Gbps PAM-4 data rates
  • Power, Performance, and Area (PPA) optimized
  • Multi-reference Clock
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 7nm LPP
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Servers
  • AI
  • Smart NICs
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