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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY > ePHY-11207


From eTopus Technology Inc.


The ePHY-11207 represents the forefront of eTopus's high-speed SerDes IP offerings, designed to deliver data rates from 1Gbps to a remarkable 112Gbps on 7nm process nodes. Its architecture is engineered for maximum performance and efficiency, suitable for cutting-edge networking equipment and high-speed communication interfaces such as LR and PCIe Gen 5 and 6.

Incorporating a highly configurable DSP receiver architecture, the ePHY-11207 maintains excellent BER performance while providing robust Clock Data Recovery operations. This IP block is particularly adept at managing high data rates with minimized latency, making it an optimal choice for high-performance applications such as data centers and next-generation enterprise equipment. Its SerDes features facilitate minimalist latency through the implementation of advanced FEC solutions combined with its low BER technologies.

With its forward-looking design, the ePHY-11207 is also prepared for enterprise-wide deployment and high-value customer solutions that require telecommunication infrastructural overhauls. It supports multiple RX measurements for link margining analysis and offers up to an 8-tap TX FIR for optimized transmit de-emphasis. These utilities ensure that the solution not only meets current market demands but is also aligned with future technological trajectories.

  • 1-112Gbps PAM-4 data rates
  • Advanced DSP receiver architecture
  • Ultra-low latency
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 7nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data centers
  • Telecommunication infrastructure
  • High-speed communication interfaces
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