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All IPs > Processor > Processor Cores > EMSA5-FS




The EMSA5-FS is a 32-bit embedded processor core designed to cater to high safety standards, making it ideal for functional safety applications. Engineered for robustness, this RISC-V processor core is particularly suited for automotive and other safety-critical applications where compliance with stringent industry standards is a must. Its architecture is optimized for low-latency operations, providing enhanced processing power while maintaining a small silicon footprint.

Functionally, the EMSA5-FS supports secure execution with cryptography-based separation of execution contexts. This design ensures that only authorized code can run, a pivotal feature in environments susceptible to attacks. The core's safety features are complemented by its energy-efficient operation, making it not only safe but also cost-effective, particularly in battery-run devices.

The processor's seamless integration capabilities are another highlight, making it compatible with various development tools and environments. Whether used in isolated tasks or as part of complex SoCs, the EMSA5-FS is an invaluable asset for engineers aiming to create secure, functional, and efficient systems, ideally in automotive and IoT sectors.

  • 32-bit embedded processor core
  • Functional safety compliant
  • Low-latency execution
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • IoT
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