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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > eMMC > eMMC 5.1 Device Controller IP

eMMC 5.1 Device Controller IP

From Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.


The Arasan eMMC 5.1 Device Controller IP stands out for its exceptional data storage capabilities designed to meet the expanding content demands of current and future smart devices. This IP solution excels in managing high-speed data transfer thanks to its advanced command queuing system, significantly outperforming traditional storage solutions. It's integrated with enhanced strobe support at the PHY level to assure reliable operation, particularly in applications requiring robust data throughput and efficiency.

  • High-speed data transfer
  • Advanced command queuing
  • Enhanced strobe at PHY level
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > eMMC
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Portable devices
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