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Embedded Memory Compilers

From Silvaco


Silvaco's Embedded Memory Compilers provide cutting-edge cache memory solutions designed for high-performance computing and artificial intelligence applications. These compilers incorporate an adaptable cache architecture and advanced power management functions, offering enhancements in performance, power efficiency, and scalability. Tailored for lower power consumption and high density, the compilers are flexible across numerous process technologies.

Offering numerous power modes for stringent low-leakage demands and versatile compliance with different process variants, Silvaco’s memory solutions effectively balance power, performance, and spatial considerations. Built-in power switches, segmented power control, and support for a wide voltage range are among the key features, ensuring comprehensive optimization.

These compilers include options for redundancy and ECC, embedded power switches, and support for Built In Self Test (BIST), enabling users to meet diverse design requirements. With proven deployment across multiple nodes and foundries, Silvaco’s memory compilers facilitate seamless integration into vast design environments, enhancing yield and reliability.

  • Advanced power management
  • Built-in redundancy
  • Wide voltage range
  • Embedded power switches
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-performance computing
  • AI applications
  • Low-power designs
  • Embedded systems
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