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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > Mobile DDR Controller > Electric & Conventional Powertrain Solutions

Electric & Conventional Powertrain Solutions

From KPIT Technologies


KPIT's powertrain solutions cover both electric and conventional vehicles, facilitating a faster time-to-market for OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers by providing software platforms and accelerators for electric components. With over 15 years of experience, KPIT offers ready-to-use software for electric vehicle components that are compliant with industry standards such as AUTOSAR.
The provided solutions include production-ready components for vehicle and energy management systems, battery management systems (BMS), and smart chargers. KPIT supports the entire development cycle from prototype to production, encompassing embedded system challenges and offering end-to-end validation options, including Software-in-the-Loop (SIL), Model-in-the-Loop (MIL), and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing.
KPIT positions itself as a key partner through its strategic alliances and extensive expertise in control systems engineering. By addressing emerging needs in hybrid and electric domains, the company ensures compliance with global standards across multiple vehicle architectures.
Additionally, KPIT's collaborative approach along with its partnerships with global leaders, facilitates innovations in electrified mobility, fostering advancements in electrification architecture while mitigating interoperability challenges.

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Category Memory Controller & PHY > Mobile DDR Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
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