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All IPs > Platform Level IP > Processor Core Independent > eFPGA IP Cores v5

eFPGA IP Cores v5

From Menta


The eFPGA IP Cores offered are versatile solutions designed for embedding programmable logic into your SoC or ASIC designs. High-density in nature, these cores can cater to a broad range of applications across different markets. By integrating eFPGA IPs, designers can tailor the resources to match their application requirements precisely. These eFPGA solutions are available in Soft RTL or Hard GDSII formats, giving developers flexibility in design methodologies.

One of the remarkable advantages of eFPGA IPs is their cost-effectiveness. As production volumes increase, traditional on-board FPGAs tend to become financially burdensome, but Menta's embedded solutions offer a more economical alternative. These IPs significantly reduce manufacturing costs and board-space demands while maintaining the vital capability for field upgrades. Moreover, when incorporated into a SoC, they help minimize dependence on chip-to-chip communication, thereby enhancing overall device performance.

The eFPGA IPs are well-regarded for power efficiency. Unlike typical commercial FPGAs that incorporate power-hungry elements like high-speed interfaces and controllers, Menta's solutions consume only 10 to 50% of the power needed for similar tasks on a traditional FPGA. This efficiency is especially beneficial in applications where power consumption is critical. Furthermore, the eFPGA's design accommodates rapid process-portability, ensuring adaptability to various technology nodes and foundries.

  • Embedded Logic Blocks
  • Menta Look-Up-Tables
  • Design Flexibility
Tech Specs
Category Platform Level IP > Processor Core Independent
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Edge Computing
  • Automotive
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