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All IPs > Processor > Vision Processor > Efficiera


From LeapMind


Efficiera is a state-of-the-art AI inference accelerator IP that focuses on delivering ultra-low power consumption and high efficiency in AI computations. This IP is designed to be embedded into AI models to enhance their performance significantly, making it possible to execute complex AI tasks on edge devices with limited power budgets. Efficiera's architecture optimizes power, performance, and area, ensuring it meets top industry standards. Capable of reaching a power efficiency of 107.8 TOPS/W, Efficiera enables practical AI applications to operate effectively across various environments.

The design emphasizes compactness and efficiency, embedding seamlessly into larger systems with ease. Efficiera's capabilities allow it to handle AI models' learning and inference processes remarkably well, offering 2 PFLOPS performance, with a goal of achieving a tenfold improvement in cost performance over equivalent GPUs. This makes Efficiera ideal for deployments where power efficiency and processing power balance are crucial.

Functionality-wise, Efficiera supports AI models specializing in learning and inference, utilizing cutting-edge design techniques like FP8 low-bit representation for enhanced computational efficiency. By providing a comprehensive AI accelerator solution, Efficiera aids businesses in achieving substantial AI-driven outcomes with minimal energy consumption, paving the way for innovative applications in AI processing capabilities.

  • Ultra-low power consumption
  • High efficiency
  • Built-in learning and inference capabilities
  • FP8 low-bit representation
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Vision Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Edge device AI processing
  • AI model acceleration
  • Energy-efficient AI solutions
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