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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > RF Modules > EAMD12G


From Pacific MicroCHIP Corp.


The EAMD12G serves as a versatile EA/MZ modulator driver for speeds reaching up to 11.3Gb/s. It includes functionality for programmable output voltage swing and offset, with comprehensive monitoring capability to fine-tune crossing points. Developed utilizing the affordable TowerJazz 0.18um SiGe process, this IP is suitable for fiber optic communications and supports broadband high output swing limiting amplifiers, making it a strategic choice for high-speed digital communication systems.

  • 3V adjustable swing and DC offset
  • Cross point monitoring and adjusting
  • Low cost SiGe implementation
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > RF Modules
Foundry Tower
Process Node 180nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • EA and MZ modulators and DFB lasers for fiber optic communications
  • Broadband high output swing Limiting Amplifiers from DC to 12Gb/s
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