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All IPs > Multimedia > DVB > DVB-S2-LDPC-BCH


From Wasiela


The DVB-S2-LDPC-BCH IP core is a benchmark product in satellite digital video broadcasting. It ensures near error-free transmission through its robust error correction mechanisms, utilizing a combination of LDPC and BCH codes. This powerful subsystem achieves performance close to the Shannon limit, ensuring high efficiency in satellite communications. Designed to comply with ETSI standards, it features an irregular parity check matrix, layered decoding, and the minimum sum algorithm, along with soft decision decoding to enhance error correction capabilities. The deliverables for this product include comprehensive system models and test benches, ensuring straightforward integration into satellite communication systems.

  • Irregular parity check matrix
  • Layered decoding
  • Minimum sum algorithm
  • Soft decision decoding
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > DVB
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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