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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG 2000 > DSC v1.2b - Display Stream Compression IP cores

DSC v1.2b - Display Stream Compression IP cores

From Alma Technologies


Alma Technologies' DSC IP cores empower digital interfaces with compression standards, ensuring smooth transitions in high-resolution video streams that meet the visual quality expectations of next-gen display technologies. DSC v1.2b, as an extensively adopted compression standard, finds its place in expanding smart devices ecosystems and HD television arrays. The IP cores deliver high-throughput encoding and decoding solutions suitable for real-time data appliances, ensuring efficiency in broadcast, from handheld devices to expansive display arrays. By incorporating methods for reducing data bottlenecks, they maintain quality while optimizing the technological infrastructure, solidifying their deployment across multimedia fields.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG 2000
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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