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All IPs > Multimedia > Image Conversion > DSC Encoder

DSC Encoder

From Trilinear Technologies


Trilinear offers a DSC (Display Stream Compression) Encoder designed to deliver efficient video data compression. Specifically intended for implementation within System-on-Chips (SoCs) or FPGAs, this encoder is equipped to handle high-performance encoding tasks central to video transmission applications. Its adherence to DSC 1.2 standards underscores its utility in scenarios where video data throughput and quality are critical.

The Encoder enhances video transmission by compressing high-quality images to reduce data load while preserving image integrity. It is particularly appropriate for use in consumer electronics, broadcast media, and professional video editing fields where large volumes of visual data must be processed quickly and accurately. This capability allows industries to achieve optimal bandwidth usage, maintaining picture quality while facilitating faster transmission speeds.

This Encoder, as part of the M-series IP cores, integrates seamlessly with existing systems to simplify development cycles. By minimizing power usage and promoting simplification in data handling, Trilinear's Encoder stands as a significant asset for developers aiming for efficiency without compromising performance. Its design caters to advanced technological platforms seeking to remain ahead in the competitive landscape of high-resolution media.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > Image Conversion
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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