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All IPs > Platform Level IP > Multiprocessor / DSP > Domain-Specific RISC-V Cores

Domain-Specific RISC-V Cores

From Bluespec


Domain-Specific RISC-V Cores from Bluespec are tailored to advance hardware acceleration for particular applications. These cores streamline the process of transforming software threads into accelerated hardware, therefore optimizing concurrency and performance. Designed to align with systematic hardware acceleration strategies, they enable scalable concurrency enhancements, important for applications demanding high-quality processing efficiency. This offering empowers developers by enabling them to accelerate specific tasks using RISC-V cores, thus integrating high-level system capabilities with application-specific needs to boost overall performance efficiently.

  • Hardware acceleration
  • Scalable concurrency
  • Software threads packaging
Tech Specs
Category Platform Level IP > Multiprocessor / DSP
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Systematic hardware acceleration
  • Application-specific performance enhancement
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