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DisplayPort Transmitter

From Trilinear Technologies


The DisplayPort Transmitter core offered is engineered to align with the stringent requirements of modern digital communication. This product is distinguished by its capability to support the Video Electronic Standards Association (VESA) DisplayPort 1.4 standards, positioning it as a high-performance solution for a variety of applications. Designed for both ASIC and FPGA implementations, this core can be seamlessly integrated with various physical layer (PHY) interfaces, thanks to collaborations with third-party partners. The transmitter's advanced features support flexible and efficient data transmission, crucial for high-resolution multimedia applications.

In practical applications, the DisplayPort Transmitter core is utilized extensively in industries where high-definition video output and fast data transfer are essential. Its compliance with contemporary VESA standards ensures compatibility and interoperability across various hardware and software setups. The core's ability to be evaluated on multiple FPGA platforms enhances its versatility, offering developers a robust tool for testing and integration into larger systems. This adaptability and broad compatibility underscore its value across diverse sectors, from consumer electronics to professional media production.

Engineered with precision, the core's implementation in process nodes from 55nm to 14nm demonstrates Trilinear's commitment to providing flexible solutions that meet modern technological demands. These configurations ensure low power consumption while maintaining high data transfer rates, an essential balance for next-generation digital systems. As technology continues to evolve, the DisplayPort Transmitter core from Trilinear remains a foundational element for designers seeking reliable and scalable digital interface solutions.

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Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
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