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DisplayPort Receiver

From Trilinear Technologies


Trilinear's DisplayPort Receiver is a state-of-the-art product crafted to meet the high expectations of today's multimedia ecosystems. Fully compatible with VESA DisplayPort 1.4 standards, this receiver core facilitates seamless multimedia data reception, optimizing the performance of digital interfaces. It is designed for scalable implementation across various hardware environments, including FPGA and ASIC platforms, providing an adaptable component that can be customized to specific project needs.

The versatility of the DisplayPort Receiver makes it ideal for industries requiring reliable high-resolution video input. This compatibility with various physical layer (PHY) standards through third-party partnerships enhances its integration capabilities into diverse systems. Designers implementing this receiver can expect comprehensive support and adherence to cutting-edge industry protocols, ensuring smooth operation and integration into existing digital architectures.

Importantly, the core's broad support for process nodes such as 55nm and 14nm highlights its adaptability to low power, high-performance design needs. With advancements like integrated DSC 1.2a support, the product is well-suited for modern digital communications, effectively addressing the increasing demand for efficient video processing and throughput. This potent combination of features positions Trilinear's DisplayPort Receiver as a reliable solution for modern digital challenges.

Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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