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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI > DisplayPort 1.4a IP Core

DisplayPort 1.4a IP Core

From Bitec


The DisplayPort 1.4a IP Core delivers direct connectivity to DisplayPort-enabled devices, supporting audio-visual data transmission in high-definition formats. Built to facilitate seamless integration, this core ensures high bandwidth, low latency, and error-free data communication, making it ideal for both consumer and professional applications.

Designed with versatility in mind, this core supports multiple data rates and resolutions, making it adaptable to various generations of DisplayPort technology. As a result, it can handle ultra-high-definition video along with multi-channel audio streams, offering a comprehensive solution for manufacturers looking to provide superior digital media experiences.

Reliability and efficiency are hallmarks of this IP core, which is constructed to deliver consistent performance across different environments and devices. Whether integrated into gaming consoles, professional displays, or home theatre systems, the DisplayPort 1.4a IP Core provides exceptional connectivity and performance, ensuring a competitive edge in the marketplace.

  • High bandwidth data transmission
  • Supports multiple resolutions
  • Reliable connectivity
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Gaming consoles
  • Professional monitors
  • Home theatre systems
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