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Digital I/O

From Certus Semiconductor


Certus Semiconductor's Digital I/O solutions are designed to provide flexibility and reliability, accommodating a wide range of GPIO and ODIO standards. Their offerings include 1.8V, 3.3V, and switchable voltage solutions, ensuring compatibility with various technological environments. The Digital I/O products boast features such as ultra-low power consumption, multiple drive strengths, and exceptional ESD protection, making them suitable for diverse applications.

Furthermore, Certus provides multi-standard compliant I/Os including specialties like eMMc, LPDDR, and RGMII, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. Their off-the-shelf libraries are equipped with unique protective features against extreme voltages and electrostatic discharge, further enhancing the robustness of these solutions.

High-speed differential options are also available, featuring LVDS TX and RX cells with integrated termination resistors and fault-safe modes for reliable performance. Whether for standard or specialized applications, Certus Semiconductor's Digital I/O solutions present a comprehensive package for modern digital designs.

  • 1.8V to 3.3V GPIO
  • Switchable voltage solutions
  • Ultra-low power
  • Multiple drive strengths
  • High ESD protection
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • General Purpose
  • High-speed data interfaces
  • Low-power applications
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