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Digital Connected Solutions

From KPIT Technologies


KPIT's digital connected solutions offer an innovative framework for automotive companies aiming to leverage the vast possibilities of cloud and AI technologies. The focus is on enabling advanced vehicle management features from remote software operation to predictive analytics, transforming the role of software in the automotive industry.
These solutions allow the seamless integration of cloud services with vehicle systems, enhancing end-user experiences through data-driven insights. KPIT offers customized platforms that streamline vehicle diagnostics, improve operational efficiencies, and enable features such as predictive maintenance and remote updates.
Comprehensive service offerings ensure that customers benefit from vast data collection, robust asset management, and integrated analytics. KPIT not only provides the technical structure necessary for managing connected systems but also plays a pivotal role in crafting strategic roadmaps for deployment.
The evolution of connected solutions by KPIT aims to simplify the management of automotive software, offering flexibility through remote service management and vehicle-to-cloud interactions. These advancements demonstrate KPIT’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of automotive technology.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Availability All Countries & Regions
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