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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > Die-to-Die (2.5D/3D) IP

Die-to-Die (2.5D/3D) IP

From Global Unichip Corp.


This IP offers sophisticated solutions for die-to-die communication, a critical aspect of modern semiconductor designs, especially in multi-die systems. The technology is designed to provide high-speed data transfer rates with minimal power consumption, adapting to the needs of advanced systems such as AI accelerators and network processors.

GUC's die-to-die IP capitalizes on 2.5D and 3D integration technologies to enhance system throughput and reduce latency. The design ensures reliable inter-chip communication by utilizing CoWoS (Chip on Wafer on Substrate) and interposer technologies to facilitate efficient signal transmission. This setup is pivotal in overcoming challenges associated with traditional microelectronics interconnection.

Additionally, GUC addresses the complex nature of these integrations with methods that enhance thermal management and power distribution. By optimizing these crucial elements, the IP supports higher performance levels while maintaining system stability. This IP is especially useful for systems that require tight integration and synchronization of multiple processing units across separate dies.

  • High-Speed Inter-Chip Communication
  • CoWoS Technology
  • Efficient Signal Transmission
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • AI Accelerators
  • Network Processors
  • Multi-Die Systems
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