Lens distortion is a common issue in cameras, especially with wide-angle or fisheye lenses, causing straight lines to appear curved. Radial distortion, where the image is expanded or reduced radially from the center, is the most prominent type. Failure to correct distortion can lead to issues in digital image analysis. The solution involves mathematically modeling and correcting distortion by estimating parameters that determine the degree of distortion and applying inverse transformations. Automotive systems often require additional image processing features, such as de-warping, for front/rear view cameras. The Lens Distortion Correction H/W IP comprises 3 blocks for coordinate generation, data caching, and interpolation, providing de-warping capabilities for accurate image correction.
Maximum Resolution:
o Image: 8MP (3840x2160)
o Video: 8MP @ 60fps
Input Formats: YUV422 - 8 bits
Output Formats:
o AXI: YUV420, YUV422, RGB888 - 8 bits
o ARM® AMBA APB BUS interface for system control
o ARM® AMBA AXI interface for data
Programmable Window Size and Position
Barrel Distortion Correction Support
Wide Angle Correction up to 192°
De-warping Modes:
o Zoom
o Tilt
o Pan
o Rotate
o Side-view
Programmable Parameters:
o Zoom Factor: controls Distance from the Image Plane to the Camera (Sensor)