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Design Enabler

From Thalia Design Automation


The Design Enabler (DE) from the AMALIA suite provides vital post-migration design optimization using advanced AI for fine-tuning. In scenarios where technology analysis and porting processes are insufficient in meeting desired design constraints, DE steps in to ensure optimal compliance and performance.

By utilizing AI algorithms, it swiftly identifies and adjusts critical devices, thereby cutting down on time-to-optimization. This tool supports the simultaneous centering of multiple testbenches, allowing designs to meet user-specified performance criteria. The DE fosters an interactive environment, enabling designers to prioritize objectives like power efficiency or reduced area.

DE integrates seamlessly with familiar EDA tools to offer comprehensive PVT analysis, ensuring robust design performance across varying corners. This adaptability makes it indispensable for semiconductor developers who need to refine their designs post-migration with precision and less reliance on iterative procedures.

  • AI-driven design centering
  • Multi-testbench capability
  • Intuitive and advanced algorithms
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > Other
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Post-migration optimization
  • Analog IP design enhancement
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