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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller > DenseMem


From ZeroPoint Technologies


DenseMem is designed to expand CXL connected memory capacity, effectively doubling it with data compression technologies. This capacity extension is achieved through sophisticated compression algorithms, which significantly enhance the memory capabilities of data centers, allowing them to store and retrieve larger datasets efficiently. Its innovative approach not only improves storage capacity but also optimizes data retrieval, ensuring faster processing times.

DenseMem is especially targeted towards applications requiring large memory resources, offering a robust solution to the challenges of scaling memory in high-demand environments. With DenseMem, data centers can significantly enhance their storage capabilities without a proportional increase in physical infrastructure, thereby achieving substantial cost efficiencies as well.

The emphasis on not just expanding memory capacity, but doing so in a way that promotes sustainability, is a core feature of DenseMem. By integrating advanced data manipulation capabilities, DenseMem ensures that the increased capacity does not detract from environmentally conscious operational practices. This makes DenseMem a pivotal component in the drive toward more efficient, high-capacity data center environments.

  • doubles CXL memory capacity
  • advanced data compression
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
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