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Demodulation IP Cores

From Creonic GmbH


Demodulation IP cores by Creonic are engineered to efficiently decode signals in complex communication systems. They offer support for a wide range of standards such as DVB-S2X and CCSDS, ensuring flexibility and adaptability across numerous applications. These cores are structured to deliver high-speed processing while maintaining signal integrity, making them vital for reliable data transmission in satellite and wireless communications. Integration with top-tier platforms ensures that these cores can meet the most demanding specifications, offering scalability and robustness for current and future technological requirements.

  • Support for DVB-S2X and CCSDS
  • High-speed processing
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Optical/Telecom
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Satellite communication
  • Wireless communication
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