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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > DDR > DDR5 RCD (Registering Clock Driver) Controller

DDR5 RCD (Registering Clock Driver) Controller

From Plurko Technologies



The DDR5 RCD Controller is a registering clock driver utilized in DDR5 RDIMMs and LRDIMMs. It buffers the Command/Address (CA) bus, chip selects, and clock signals between the host controller and DRAMs. Additionally, it establishes a BCOM bus to control data buffers in LRDIMMs.

Key Features:

 Compliance with JEDEC's JESD82-511
 Maximum SCL Operating speed of 12.5MHz in I3C mode
 DDR5 server speeds up to 4800MT/s
 Dual-channel configuration with 32-bit data width per channel
 Support for power-saving mechanisms
 Rank 0 & rank 1 DIMM configurations
 Loopback and pass-through modes
 BCOM sideband bus for LRDIMM data buffer control
 In-band Interrupt support
 Packet Error Check (PEC)
 CCC Packet Error Handling
 Error log register
 Parity Error Handling
 Interrupt Arbitration
 I2C Fast-mode Plus (FM+) and I3C Basic compatibility
 Switch between I2C mode and I3C Basic
 Clearing of Status Registers
 Compliance with JESD82-511 specification
 I3C Basic Common Command Codes (CCC)


 AI (Artificial Intelligence)
 HPC (High-Performance Computing)
 Data-intensive applications

Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > DDR
Foundry All Foundries
Availability US, Canada, UK & EU Only
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