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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > DDR > DDR PHY


From OPENEDGES Technology


The DDR PHY offered by OPENEDGES is a high-performance interface designed to seamlessly integrate with a variety of memory subsystems. This IP ensures efficient data transfer between memory and processors, optimizing the overall performance of electronic devices. With its robust design, the DDR PHY achieves superior signal integrity and speed, making it ideal for applications that require high data throughput.

This IP is engineered to support a wide range of DDR memory standards, providing flexibility and future-proofing for electronic designs. Its compatibility with different process nodes and foundries allows it to be easily integrated into various chip platforms. By employing advanced calibration techniques, the DDR PHY minimizes signal distortion and maximizes data integrity, ensuring reliable operation across different environments.

Furthermore, the DDR PHY is designed with power efficiency in mind, featuring low standby power consumption modes that extend battery life in portable devices. The combination of high performance, flexibility, and power efficiency makes it a valuable addition to any system that necessitates robust memory interface solutions.

  • High data throughput
  • Superior signal integrity
  • Advanced calibration techniques
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > DDR
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Portable devices
  • High-performance computing
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