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DDR Memory Controller

From OPENEDGES Technology


The DDR Memory Controller from OPENEDGES is engineered to enhance memory subsystem efficiency by managing the data flow between processor and memory. This controller supports multiple memory types and is capable of handling complex memory operations, making it an essential component for high-performance computing systems.

Designed for scalability, the DDR Memory Controller supports a broad range of data rates and bus widths. This adaptability ensures that it can be tailored to meet specific application requirements, from consumer electronics to enterprise-grade systems. By optimizing memory access patterns, it reduces latency and enhances overall system performance.

Additionally, the DDR Memory Controller is equipped with sophisticated power management features that reduce energy consumption during operation. Its robust error correction capabilities ensure data integrity, making it well-suited for systems that demand high reliability and efficiency.

  • Scalable architecture
  • Error correction capabilities
  • Sophisticated power management
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > DDR
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Consumer electronics
  • Enterprise systems
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