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D-Series PHY



MEMTECH's D-Series PHY is crafted for delivering high-speed and reliable memory interactions, perfectly suited for high-performance computing needs. It excels in facilitating DDR5/4/3 interfaces, providing a comprehensive physical layer solution for applications demanding rapid data transfer rates, up to 6400 Mbps. The solution is optimized for both registered and load-reduced memory modules, ensuring versatility and adaptability across various computing environments.

The D-Series PHY is a hard macro IP primarily delivered as GDSII, embedding over 150 custom features that allow for significant product differentiation. This extensive customization ensures the PHY can be effectively tailored to specific requirements, offering enterprises the means to enhance their project portfolio while maintaining competitive performance metrics. With superior reliability and efficiency, the D-Series PHY embeds advanced design elements like standard DFI 5.0 interface for simplified integration.

Perfectly designed to cater to both consumer electronics and enterprise solutions, this PHY is an integral component for accelerating data center efficiency, enhancing server responsiveness, and optimizing the desktop and laptop memory operations. Its deployment supports fluid computing experiences by elevating data throughput and reducing potential latency issues, delivering tangible enhancements to end-user applications.

  • High energy efficiency
  • Customized for RDIMMs and LRDIMMs
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data centers
  • Consumer electronics
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