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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI > D-PHY


From Mixel


The high-frequency Mixel D-PHY IP is specifically designed to meet the MIPI Alliance standards for D-PHY, supporting efficient connectivity between cameras, display devices, and a core processor. Operating over a wide range of data rates up to 4.5Gbps, it offers seamless integration for applications requiring fast data transmission while conserving power. The D-PHY is partitioned into a digital module for control and interface logic, and a mixed-signal module, allowing for a versatile combination of Soft and Hard IP that adapts to customer-specific design requirements. This robust PHY supports MIPI’s Camera and Display Serial Interfaces, providing reliable data communication with adaptive power-saving features, including configurable resistance termination calibrators.

  • MIPI D-PHY Specification compliant
  • High-speed and low power modes
  • Point-to-point differential interface
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Camera Serial Interface
  • Display Serial Interface
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