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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > USB > CT25205


From Canova Tech Srl


The CT25205 is a digital IP core developed to provide essential functionality for 10BASE-T1S Ethernet communications. Adhering to the IEEE 802.3cg standard, this core encompasses the PMA, PCS, and PLCA Reconciliation Sublayer blocks to facilitate effective data transmission. Designed in Verilog 2005 HDL, the CT25205 is versatile, synthesizable across standard cells and FPGA systems, and easily integrates with CSMA/CD Ethernet MACs via MII. This integration allows existing MAC devices to leverage advanced PLCA features without extensive modifications. Additionally, the CT25205's connection to the OPEN Alliance 10BASE-T1S PMD interface makes it ideal for use in Zonal Gateways SoCs and MCUs, driving efficient 10BASE-T1S communication with a host of innovative capabilities.

  • Synethesizable in standard cells
  • Compatible with IEEE 802.3cg
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Zonal Gateways
  • MCUs
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