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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > Analog Front Ends > CT25203


From Canova Tech Srl


Supporting enhanced automotive and industrial Ethernet applications, the CT25203 acts as a robust analog front-end for IEEE 802.3cg compliant networks. This IP component intricately connects digital PHY structures with external communication interfaces, assuring seamless interactions across the Ethernet backbone. Designed with a focus on ensuring top-tier electromagnetic compatibility, the CT25203 sits as a cornerstone in developing reliable, high-performance PMD transceivers. This compact 8-pin packaged component is adeptly manufactured using high-voltage process technology, underscoring its superior EMC performance essential for challenging environments.

  • High-voltage process technology
  • Exceptional EMC performance
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Analog Front Ends
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive Ethernet
  • Industrial Ethernet
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